R&D and productionChina Fertilizer Research Base

Planting base

──Dec 07 , 2022Foliar fertilizer effect so good? I'm not ready to use it

In farming,The use of fertilizers has greatly improved the resistance and yield of crops, and the variety of fertilizers is also increasing-- foliar fertilizerAs a conventional fertilizer, it also plays an important role. As a supplement to root fertilization, it has the advantages of less consumption, quick effect and strong collocation.

Foliar fertilizer works so well-Native chef tomato

Foliar fertilizer works so well-Native chef tomato shot

"Foliar fertilizer works so wellAnd use it soon!"This is from ShandongWest red persimmon farmer Liu Big Brother in the use of soil chef multiple chelated borax fertilizer issued by the sigh. Shandong has a long history as a famous vegetable producer, and Mr. Liu has plenty of experience, he said:"In recent years, the market has higher and higher requirements for the quality of vegetables, and the demand is increasing. The usual application of soil fertilizer is gradually not achieving the desired results."

Until, on the advice of an agricultural professor at a technology conference,Scientific fertilization, root+Better foliar matching,The use of foliar fertilizer, can improve the enzyme activity in the body of crops, improve photosynthesis, the whole growth cycle can be used, can effectively increase production, then bought some soil chef series foliar fertilizer experiment from the dealer, there are multiple chelationNeutral boron, High yield and quality enhancerCalcium magnesium twelve elements, etc.

After half a month of use, Brother Liu found the effect surprisingly good:"TomatoThey grow stronger, they become more resistant to the outside environment, and they appear in the middle1Compared to other growers, my tomatoes were almost unharmed by the sudden drop in temperature. I didn't expect the leaf fertilizer to work so well."

Chef Tu-Foliar fertilizer_A copy of the

Foliar fertilizer works so well-Native chef quality enhancer

Liu also shared tips on how to use foliar fertilizer, diluted according to the crop cycle and product instructions, such as soil chef neutral boron1000-1500Multiple foliar spraying was applied to supplement boron before symptoms of boron deficiency appeared, and no boron deficiency occurred throughout the cycle. Foliar fertilizer effect is so good, he hopes the majority of farmers can benefit, recommend you use soil chef foliar fertilizer.

[Believe in the power of brand] Local chef brand strong landing on CCTVCCTV-1.

All materials in this article are native chef manufacturers real feedback original, unauthorized, forbidden to reprint.


Local chef market visit to tell you: effective fertilizer is not expensive, after increasing production is free


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