R&D and productionChina Fertilizer Research Base

Planting base

──Dec 08 , 2022Local chef market visit to tell you: effective fertilizer is not expensive, after increasing production is free

The benefit of out-of-season crop cultivation in greenhouses is often several times that of ordinary cultivation. However, factors such as climate, temperature control, moisture, soil, management and fertilizer can all lead to very different growth, yield and quality of crops.

How to cultivate excellent agricultural and sideline products efficiently? Let's follow along todayChef TuMarketing Department into the field dribs and drabs, really realizedThe beautiful agricultural vision of "rich soil and efficiency, high yield and quality and common prosperity".


2022years8In February, Mr. Wang of Shuanggou Town, Xuzhou, discovered the efficacy of soil chef by chance. At that time, the first feeling was that the name of "earth chef" is more down-to-earth, as the name implies "soil chef". At the same time, Mr. Wang also recalled the management situation of agricultural materials in recent years and the cumulative planting pain points of local greenhouses over the years. He was determined to make a breakthrough in his business, but also wanted to help local greenhouses farmers improve their thinking and management, and make growers gain better profits with his meager efforts!

I just started to establish cooperation with the soil Chef Effect fertilizer company, focusing on the local soil issues, so I started with the soil Chef twelve elementsMicrobial agentStart with it.

Now, let's follow the local chef market personnel, into Chenwang Village, Shuanggou Town, what you see is endless greenhouse, let a person feel very shocking...


According to customer Wang General introduction: the village greenhouse is a few years ago"Poverty Alleviation Office" project. Planting two crops a year,8-9The month is dominated by tomatoes,12After the month, change stubble to luffa.

In the following month, the market staff of the local chef assisted Mr. Wang in providing market services. After a few days' visit to the market, they found the existing problems in the soil, crops, management and fertilizer use of the greenhouse. After in-depth analysis with Mr. Wang, we worked out a good management fertilization program. At the same time, with the cooperation of both sides, the first batch was formed"Ten tomato demonstration households", focus on the effect and after-sales service, so that the increase of production and income into thousands of households!

A native cook is fat-User group photo

Tomato demonstration household-- Some group photos

Case 1


Character: Big Sister Wang

Crop: tomato rising stage

Product: Immunoenhanced liquid fertilizer+Soil chef granules a large number of elements

Results: Sister Wang has been growing tomato greenhouses for more than ten years, and this year's feedback is the best. In previous years in tomato swelling period is most likely to appear: head yellow, plant emaciated, serious size fruit and hollow fruit symptoms. At the beginning, the use of soil chef effect fertilizer is also holding a try attitude, feel the use of four or five days later, the fruit obviously grow faster, plants are particularly robust. In particular, this year tomato fruit is still more, Yangzi did not have any symptoms of premature aging, fat Jin also special foot.

2022years11month30On the following day, I visited Sister Wang for the second time and found that the tomato greenhouses, which were used for the whole process, had already entered the stage of turning color and maturity, and the yield and income were full of praise from Sister Wang!

According to Sister Wang's husband left boss: this year the whole useA native cook is fatConservative yield increase7000Above Jin, and the fruit quality, color is not only fast and even, no green grain fruit and hollow fruit, peel brightness is particularly high, plant healthy not premature aging!

A native cook is fat-Aunt Wang's tomato shed

A native cook is fat-Aunt Wang's tomato shed

Case 2


Character: Uncle Jiang

Crop: tomato turning stage

Product: Whole immune enhancement liquid fertilizer+Chef Soil Granules Plenty of Elements Combo

Effect: After entering the greenhouse, printed rows of red dudu tomatoes, feel in the sunlightBlink your eyes.

When Uncle Jiang saw us, he was very enthusiastic! This year is a good harvest, not only good growth, good quality and high prices, production than last year10000About Jin, this year our two greenhouses are all using native chef products, and the next crop luffa will also use native chef!

A native cook is fat-Uncle Jiang's tomato shed

A native cook is fat-Uncle Jiang's tomato shed

Case 3


Character: Aunt Qi

Plant: Tomatoes

Products used: Soil chef high potassium a large number of elements particles water soluble fertilizer twice.

Effect feedback: In the field of return visit, Aunt Qi was particularly happy to say that the soil chef fertilizer is really good, solved my years of planting a heart disease. Every year when the tomato enters the turn color period, there will be a large area of dragon head emaciation and yellowing symptoms, serious when the top2-3Layer fruit fruit is small, uneven, turn color is not good, not only affects the yield, but also the quality is not high price!

A native cook is fat-Aunt Qi's tomato shed

A native cook is fat-Aunt Qi's tomato shed

Chef Tu has not only created a new category in the fertilizer industry- Functional fertilizer, at the same time, with the service and management concepts of modern agriculture; And through its own core material and research and development concept advantages, the real soil gradually restore the soil and fertility of the past, so that the soil is healthier, so that the plants can eat and drink enough, so that the quality and safety of the feedback to more consumers!


Chef Soil effect fertilizer use case, you are invited to witness


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