R&D and productionChina Fertilizer Research Base

Planting base

──Dec 06 , 2022Leaf fat brand, I go with Chef soil

Foliar fertilizer, as a topdressing method outside the root, needs to be sprayed directly on the crop leaves. The stomata on the leaf surface is the main channel for foliar fertilizer to enter the plant body, and it can be transported to all parts of the plant by the absorption effect of the leaves.

Foliar fertilizer-Local chef service

In recent years, foliar fertilizer has been rapidly popularized and applied, which has a good effect on the supplement of crop nutrition and the prevention of deficiency disease. However, there are many brands of foliar fertilizer on the market, and the quality is uneven. Which brand to choose is a knowledge. We may wish to take a look at the experience of elder sister Meng.

Elder Sister Meng, from Fangcun, Guangdong province, has grown flowers in her family for three generationsFang Village is also one of the origins of Lingnan bonsai, has always beenThe reputation of "Flower Town for thousands of years". Sister Meng, who inherited the family business, is in this businessShe is known as a warm-hearted person, and people are happy to ask her questions.

She said:"We can't help itFertilizer dealings, for a long time also some experience, especially in the choice of leaf fertilizer, leaf fertilizer on the growth and development of plants have a good promotion, can effectively improve photosynthesis, leaves fat, flowers bright, and the effect is relatively fast." These are the particular concerns of the florist.

Elder Sister Meng believes that to ensure the effect of foliar fertilizer, must choose the rightLeaf fertilizer brand, because it represents the technical level and strength of the manufacturer. Sister Meng told us that she used soil chef leaf fertilizer, she has investigated, the qualification is formal, complete procedures. On the other hand, the soil chef series of foliar fertilizer effect is good, especially the soil chef high yield and quality enhancement agent foliar fertilizer, the use of Israel chelating energy technology, chelating energy process is safer, easy to absorb, ten minutes of rain without re-spraying, the nutritional supplement of flowers and plants has obvious benefits.

posters-High yield and quality enhancer

"Said Sister Meng:"The main reason for the choice of leaf fertilizer brand is chelation technology. She found that a lot of leaf fertilizer is difficult to really be absorbed by the leaves after spraying, and not much nutrition is played, but chelation technology is adoptedSoil chef leaves fatFirst, it is difficult to scour the water to enhance the adsorption capacity, on the other hand, the element chelation is easier to absorb, so as to achieve a good effect.

Soil chef foliar fertilizer, the effect can be seen, if you are also interested in foliar fertilizer brand, can contact cooperation.

[Believe in the power of brand] Local chef brand strong landing on CCTVCCTV-1.

All materials in this article are native chef manufacturers real feedback original, unauthorized, forbidden to reprint.


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