R&D and productionChina Fertilizer Research Base

Planting base

──Dec 16 , 2022Foliar fertilizer is what fertilizer? Uncle Wang case

There are many ways to apply fertilizer to crops. The traditional way of applying fertilizer is to apply fertilizer to the soil, which is absorbed by the roots of crops. Due to excessive pressure on the soil in recent decades, soil compaction and acid-base imbalance are caused by root absorption problems, and sometimes no matter how much fertilizer is applied to the roots, crops still do not grow well. Foliation is another way to bypass the soil,Foliar fertilizer is what fertilizer? Does it work?

Foliar fertilizer is what fertilizer-Native chef eggplant

Foliar fertilizer is what fertilizer-Native chef eggplant shot

Now, for growers, it is more popular to use foliar fertilizer, which can be sprayed onto the leaves of crops to achieve the effect of fertilization. Foliar fertilizer is what fertilizer? Does it work? Let's take a look at farmer sharing.

Uncle Wang is a big eggplant planter. The fertilizer he used before did not achieve the expected effect, so he asked the distributor Mr. Du if there was any way. Mr. Du told him that he could use it with foliar fertilizer to achieve twice the result with half the effort.

Uncle WangQ:"Foliar fertilizer is what fertilizer? Does it work? FortunatelyDu always engaged in this industry for many years, thin to Uncle Wang ended the relevant knowledge of leaf fertilizer:"Foliar fertilizer is sprayed on the leaves of fertilizer, crops on the leaves have air holes, can be directly absorbed, I this buyback rate of the highest yield enhancement agentFoliar fertilizerVery good, dissolved without any impurities, as soon as you use it, it is a good fertilizer, many growers are in use, good feedback, alsoOn CCTVCCTV-1Channel broadcast, word-of-mouth evaluationGood."

Uncle Wang in order to be able to reverse the situation, where the dealer Du Zong bought some soil chef quality enhancement agent foliar fertilizer and soil chef neutral borax fertilizer, after the dealer some guidance, know how to use, the use of time and after the use of matters needing attention.

        At first, Uncle Wang was not sure, but2After the first spray, it was found that the eggplant had grown obviously, and the hanging heart was put down. Uncle Wang witnessed the effect of chef Earth series foliar fertilizer with personal experience, but also understand what is foliar fertilizer? It is important for the growth of the crop, which is ready to be expanded after high yields this year, it said : " No matter how many vegetables are planted, the soil should be used to fertilize the soil."

[Believe in the power of brand] Local chef brand strong landing on CCTVCCTV-1.

All materials in this article are native chef manufacturers real feedback original, unauthorized, forbidden to reprint.


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