R&D and productionChina Fertilizer Research Base

Planting base

──Dec 17 , 2022Water soluble fertilizer brand, farmers choose soil chef

In recent years, water-soluble fertilizer has become the mainstream product in the market. It has high absorption rate, good effect, quick effect, convenient use, and many advantages. Many growers have given it a high evaluation.

Some illegal traders see the benefits, produce some inferior water-soluble fertilizer products, products contain hormones, early effect, in the middle and late stages of premature aging, many farmers do not know the truth, found the problem only to regret, have said that there are too many water-soluble fertilizer brands, the choice is very difficult.

Farmers choose native chefs

A farmer from Hubei province said:"Water soluble fertilizer brandThere are many, but I trust the local chef. Tian grows cucumbers in Hubei, covering more than 100 mu every year. This year, he set aside some land to plant tomatoes. Tian Brother pays more attention to the use of fertilizer, fertilizer is very careful, but because the idea did not follow The Times, can not understand the modern technology and development, he did not use water-soluble fertilizer. Several years of time, the base of tomato, cucumber production is very general, less than a year, in recent years, soil problems are frequent, faced with the result of reduced income, which can let Tian Brother opened the door, must try water-soluble fertilizer.

In order to make the base vegetables grow better, Tian Brother found the local famous agricultural materials experts to consult, and actively participated in the agricultural materials technology exchange, this year, the crop growth trend finally changed, but not up to Tian Brother's expectations, he wants to do green, organic agricultural products, in this way, Tian Brother has not given up looking for a better brand of water-soluble fertilizer.

In an exchange meeting, Tian Brother sawA native cook is fatSee everyone on the soil chef effect of many praise, Tian brother moved. Due to Tian brother is more cautious, carefully consulted the information on the Internet, but also consulted agricultural experts and farmers, found that the soil chef effect fertilizer has a good evaluation, Tian brother decided to try.

Local Chef poster

After half a month found that the effect is very obvious, cucumber leaves dark green, growth is very vigorous; At the fruiting stage, the cucumbers are straight and smooth, and the tomatoes are big and round, which not only tastes good, but also enhances the taste. In this way, Tian Big brother using soil chef effect fertilizer, ushered in a bumper harvest"Tian said:"Water soluble fertilizer brandNo matter what, I only trust the local chef". Now the quality of the produce he grows is guaranteed, and buyers pay high prices.

[Believe in the power of brand] Local chef brand strong landing on CCTVCCTV-1.

All materials in this article are native chef manufacturers real feedback original, unauthorized, forbidden to reprint.


Soil chef effect fertilizer use effect case, invite you to witness!


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