R&D and productionChina Fertilizer Research Base

Planting base

──Dec 14 , 2022Leaf fat a few days play a good? Farmer's statement

Foliar fertilizer is a common plant nutrient that can play a vital role when the roots of crops are unable to replenish nutrients quickly.

Many growers have a lot of misunderstanding on the use of foliar fertilizer, do not know how to play a better role. In fact, not only to choose the right brand, application method should pay more attention to prevent excessive, excessive spray caused by burning the leaf phenomenon, also can not be due to spraying method error lead to nutritional deficiency, leaf fertilizer a few days play a good? Today we'll look at the case study.

Leaf fertilizer a few days to play a good

Sister Li, who owns an apple orchard in Shandong province, has a lot of experience with foliar fertilizer,Sister Li said:"I didn't know so many combinations until this year,Currently using soil chef chelate potassium dihydrogen phosphate, prophase1000Double dilution foliar spray,Apple leaves shine and grow well."

"Apple trees mostly supplement nutrients through the soil, the use of foliar fertilizerAccording to the situation, the general spray in the germination stage of the soil chef yield enhancement agentFoliar fertilizer; Spray the soil chef at flowering time+Neutral boron+Potassium dihydrogen phosphate, promote flower bud differentiation; Spray the fruit at the rising stage. Spray the soil+Calcium magnesium phosphorus potassium twelve elements+Potassium dihydrogen phosphate; Especially inFruit set critical period, use1-2interval10About a dayWhen using, avoid blindly excessive, easy to cause fertilizer waste, burning leaves and other phenomena."

So, for elements that are less in demand, but that are importantLeaf fertilizer a few days to play a good? Such as boron, calcium and other elements, celery farmer Bai Daobao in Henan Province shared his experience:"This year, I'm using Terre Chef Multichelate neutral boron to prevent heart leaf burning, spraying the celery between mid-growth and full maturitythe2time.7daySpray left and right once, the effect is very good, never so good foliar fertilizer."

Soil chef borax fertilizer

In fact, leaf fertilizer a few days to play a good and there is no specific accurate requirements, we still have to according to the crop situation, crop period, different leaf fertilizer products to specific analysis, but also pay attention to the nutritional type does not contain hormones foliating fertilizer will not once have a good effect, to long-term, periodic observation, not because of a effect can not be seen, give up the use or suddenly increase the amount, It is also recommended that you choose trustworthy big brands when choosing brands.

[Believe in the power of brand] Local chef brand strong landing on CCTVCCTV-1.

All materials in this article are native chef manufacturers real feedback original, unauthorized, forbidden to reprint.


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