R&D and productionChina Fertilizer Research Base

Planting base

──Dec 13 , 2022Chef Soil effect fertilizer use case, you are invited to witness

Our country as a large agricultural country, the planting of crops has a long history and broad area, and agriculture is also one of our most important industries. In the 1980s and 1990s, in order to ensure the growth of crops, a large number of long-term use of chemical fertilizer has brought various problems to the soil. Now our planting structure has changed, the soil has changed, and so has the habit of using fertilizer. Recently, in water-soluble fertilizerA native cook is fatHas been a lot of praise from farmers around, we look down.

A native cook is fat-tomato

A native cook is fat-Tomato effect

Boss Wang from Shandong has a base of more than 1,000 mu, growing apple, pear, peach and other fruit trees, is a famous farmer. Boss Wang said:"It takes a lot of energy to manage the base. It's busy every dayThere are so many things. He said:"As far as people are concerned, I'm doing fine. I was feeling my way through the river,It took me so long to get here." "In the beginning, we use is not soil chef effect fertilizer, but conventional urea, compound fertilizer, low absorption rate, uneven effect. And due to the use of large amounts of fertilizer, the quality is not good, cost a lot of labor, alsoIncreased the cost of planting."

Later, talking to friends about finding a good water-soluble fertilizer products, let friends pay more attention to the introduction, until last year, friends recommended the soil chef effect fertilizer, said farmers feedback effect is good, they are determined to use.

At that time, also dare not use a lot, afraid of problems, bought some experiments, at that time is the fruit tree flower bud differentiation, Wang boss first tried the soil chef chelating potassium dihydrogen phosphate,White powder, visible to the naked eye, is added to the water2In secondsDissolving, the use of fruit trees workers feedback effect is really good, high quality flowering, flowering is not seen before.

seeA native cook is fatThe actual effect, boss Wang ate a comfort, began to use a large number of soil chef effect fertilizer, from rooting agent, twelve elements of microbial agents, to powder a large number of elements, granular water soluble fertilizer, immune quality enhancement fertilizer and so on, Boss Wang also through and other water-soluble fertilizer contrast, data recorded the actual effect of soil chef effect fertilizer, feedback to the company, Also for the vast number of farmers to choose soil chef effect fertilizer provides a data witness.

Local Chef poster

Boss Wang said:"I hope more and more farmers can use good products, enough soil and fertility, fertilization with soil chef"

[Believe in the power of brand] Local chef brand strong landing on CCTVCCTV-1.

All materials in this article are native chef manufacturers real feedback original, unauthorized, forbidden to reprint.


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