R&D and productionChina Fertilizer Research Base

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──Jan 21 , 2022Chef Tu's functional fertilizer will answer your question, how can cucumber and melon recover quickly after topping?

In cucumber planting, topping of cucumber and melon is a particularly common problem, which often occurs in greenhouse areas in the north.

The main performance of melon topping is that the new leaves stop growing at the top of the cucumber vine, and the symptom is that a large number of young melons are piled up together, which affects the normal growth of cucumber, reduces the yield of cucumber, greatly affects the quality of cucumber, and will affect the income of melon farmers if not solved in time.

Tu chef efficacy fertilizer-cucumber

Tu chef efficacy fertilizer-Cucumber effect

Tu chef efficacy fertilizerAnswer for you-Analysis on the main causes of cucumber topping

1Some melon farmers are used to watering and fertilizing in the afternoon because of the wrong fertilization time, which leads to the decrease of greenhouse temperature and ground temperature.

2, flood, fertilizer, high water content in the soil or accumulated water, which causes the ground temperature to rise slowly or the root system to be in anaerobic state, which leads to the decline of root absorption capacity.

3, soil hardening, root growth and development hindered.

4, unscientific and unreasonable fertilization, excessive phosphorus and potassium, lowering ground temperature, etc.

5, insufficient light, temperature control in the shed.

6Untimely picking of melons and excessive consumption of nutrients.

Tu chef efficacy fertilizerAnswer for you-How to recover quickly after cucumber topping?

Step 1: Control and adjust the temperature in the shed. Control shedDaytime temperature23-28Degree, the temperature at night is not lower than13Degree.

Step 2: Sparse melons in time. The young melon on the top of cucumber should be removed in time, and the sparse melon must be willing to give up, otherwise the problem will not be solved thoroughly, and deformed melon will easily appear.

Step 3: Plough and loosen the soil. Soil compaction and poor permeability of soil will reduce the absorption and respiration ability of roots, and lead to the problem of cucumber and melon topping. Therefore, it is particularly important to plough and loosen the soil in time to maintain the permeability of soil!

Tu chef-Granular fertilizer

Step 4: Water and fertilizer management.

2021year12One day in May, Manager Li of the local chef business met Mr. Wang who bought fertilizer a few days ago when he was cooperating with customers in Suizhong, Liaoning Province to promote it in the countryside. At that time, Mr. Wang's cucumber and melon topping led to a sharp drop in output and abnormal melons.

Mr. Wang, who was helpless, found a dealer who was going to the countryside to promote the functional fertilizer of the local chef. Through field investigation, the dealerIt is recommended to cook soil enzyme rooting agent per mu of soil.3kg+Twelve-element microbial agent3kg+High nitrogen water soluble fertilizer3-5kg.

When asking about the effect after use, Mr. Wang kept giving a thumbs up and said:"This fat is really good, it will take three or four days.See the melon seedlings and melons grow!"

The joy of harvest is only in a flash!As farmers, we should not only go deep into the fields all the time, but also run a business withA good product of "high yield and high quality", the local chef is effective fertilizer.-Escort the bumper harvest of farmers!


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