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──Feb 11 , 2022What should we pay attention to when applying water-soluble fertilizer? Chef Tu reminds you not to be careless.

Water-soluble fertilizer will be widely used in modern agriculture, because it has many advantages and has been promoted in many areas, and there are many matters needing attention when using water-soluble fertilizer. Do you know what they are?

Water soluble fertilizer-Tu Chef's Efficacy Fat Cucumber

Water soluble fertilizer-Tu Chef's Efficacy Fat Cucumber

1Amount of water-soluble fertilizer

Water soluble fertilizerThe dosage is very important, which is obviously different from that of big chemical fertilizer. Because of its rich nutrients and high content and utilization rate of active ingredients, it is necessary to strictly follow the instructions and make clear the dilution ratio when using it. Generally, water-soluble fertilizer can't be directly sprinkled on crops, so it needs secondary dilution and dissolution.

2, water-soluble fertilizer fertilization time

Fertilization stages of different water-soluble fertilizers are different, and the fertilizers used in different stages are different. For example, the use time of water soluble fertilizer such as high potassium and high phosphorus is different from that of water-soluble fertilizers with medium and trace elements.

Secondly, fertilization time,Water soluble fertilizerGenerally, it is recommended that you apply fertilizer in the evening or sunny morning, and don't apply fertilizer in the high temperature stage. If the temperature is too high, the fertilizer will be quickly evaporated, and the utilization rate will decrease accordingly. In severe cases, there will be leaf burning and other phenomena.

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3, application frequency of water-soluble fertilizer

No matter what type of fertilizer is used, we should pay attention to the frequency of fertilization and water-soluble fertilizer.According to different fertilization stages and fertilizer efficiency periods, basically15Use fertilizer once every day or so. If fertilization is too frequent, it will be counterproductive to the growth of crops, and insufficient safety interval will also cause harm to crops.

Secondly, according to different crops, the interval of fertilization is different. For example, for melon and fruit crops, the frequency of fertilization at the fruiting stage is about7Fertilization once a day, while fruit crops have a longer growth cycle and longer fertilization intervals, which need to be adjusted according to different growth stages of different crops.

All materials in this article are original feedback from local chef manufacturers, and reprint is prohibited without authorization.


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