R&D and productionChina Fertilizer Research Base


──May 03 , 2022Water soluble fertilizer choose this, distribution need not worry

Water-soluble fertilizerAt present, there is no need to say more about the degree of fame in the market, each agricultural fertilizer dealer hands more or more have several water-soluble fertilizer brand, in the current market, water-soluble fertilizer market lack of strict supervision, or more chaotic, as agricultural dealers, of course, more responsibility to help the people choose a good water-soluble fertilizer.


First, look at the qualification certificate to choose water-soluble fertilizer

Often understand agriculture related policies of agricultural resources people know that the qualification certificate is the minimum standard, many years ago"Spin group" specially to the countryside to sell fertilizer, some to the agricultural store sales, some direct spin to the farmer's home, have the ability to distinguish the agricultural personnel will be carefully screened, not to distinguish the ability to be "spin group" a few sentences a spin, bought a lot of fertilizer, after use found no effect, contact manufacturers but found that the phone has been screened, there is no place to say.

So whether it is telephone, or salesman to the countryside, agricultural dealers must first verify the authenticity of the manufacturer, can go to the enterprise check, eye check.

Second, the effect first

Needless to say, farmers buy water-soluble fertilizer to replenish nutrients for crops, so that crops grow better and achieve high yields. If the effect is not good, farmers naturally won't buy it, so dealers should focus on verifying the effect of water-soluble fertilizer when choosing it.A native cook is fatOnce put into the market won numerous planting base praise.

Conventional water soluble fertilizerContent and contents are often advertised without concern for the efficacy of the product itself and the effect of the product. Native Chef company around the user needs"Efficacy" carried out product research and development, and made the production standard of "three choices nine chelates 12 processes". Exactly what the farmers want to achieve.

Three, the strength of manufacturers

This strength does not only refer to the hard strength of the manufacturer, but also includes the soft strength. Whether the development of an enterprise for a long time not only depends on the financial strength, but more importantly, the soft strength of the enterprise culture. A good enterprise should not only have the hard strength but also the soft strength. Willing to achieve customers of water-soluble fertilizer enterprises more worthy of agricultural distributors cooperation.

Water-soluble fertilizer-Native chef delivery

Soil chef effect fertilizer based on Chinese agriculture, adapt to the requirements of modern agricultural development, sustainable commitment"Fertile soil and efficiency" social responsibility. In order to improve soil fertility, improve soil fertility, for "high yield and quality" green agriculture, make their due contribution.

The above is a brief introduction3Point the most basic choice of water-soluble fertilizer standards, hope to have more agricultural distributors to discuss together.

All materials in this article are native chef manufacturers real feedback original, unauthorized, forbidden to reprint.


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