R&D and productionChina Fertilizer Research Base


──May 04 , 2022How to choose import foliar fertilizer? Chengzong case

How to choose import foliar fertilizer? Many dealers and growers choose to choose to find that they still do not choose good products, either poor effect or fake imports, and even some do not meet the standard of leaf fertilizer, completely mixed and packaged products, even the fertilizer registration certificate number is not complete, today we first understand what is leaf fertilizer.

A native cook is fat-citrus

Foliar fertilization is plant absorptionnutritionA supplement of ingredients to make up for the lack of nutrient uptake by roots. Leaf fertilization cannot replace soil fertilization. At first, agronomists found that foliar spraying could make up for the lack of fertilizer at the roots, and it was initially considered a form of fertilizer.

And now foliar fertilizer and root water soluble fertilizer flush fertilizer has essential difference, crop leaf pores are very much, relative to other parts of the relatively weak, manufacturers of foliar fertilizer formula and water soluble fertilizer formula is completely different, if the concentration ratio is too heavy will cause burning leaves, which is why with the scientific fertilization of fine, everyone leaves with fertilizer and root fertilizer completely distinguish the reason.

So remind the screen planting friends do not use urea compound fertilizer and other root fertilizer to leaf spray, will lead to burning leaves, fallen leaves and other problems.

Cheng in Guangxi has experienced such a thing, Cheng in the local distribution of agricultural materials time is not too long, also five or six years of time, a citrus farmers to buy the root of the bucket fertilizer, go back to the root after flushing, there are still some, the big brother thinking that it is not convenient to simply use it, who knows the big brother directly diluted after spraying on the leaf surface,2-3Days passed, the elder brother went to the garden to have a look, the leaves withered and yellow, some of the leaves have fallen off, quickly went to Cheng said fertilizer problem.

Chef Tu-Foliar fertilizer

General Cheng asked the situation after hurriedly to popularize knowledge for big brother:"The root with fertilizer and foliar fertilizer is not the same, can not be generalized, foliar spray fertilizer has a special foliar fertilizer, can not use the root flush fertilizer, you use this will of course burn the leaf. You can use mine for the next foliar sprayImport foliar fertilizer- Soil chef rich quality enhancer, safe and does not hurt the leaves, poly energy nutrition, used feedback is very good."

After this matter, every time we buy fertilizer, Cheng will give you the general knowledge of foliar fertilizer, and recommend that you choose to import foliar fertilizer-Native Chef Yield Enhancer!

All materials in this article are native chef manufacturers real feedback original, unauthorized, forbidden to reprint.


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