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──Mar 05 , 2022Why is water-soluble fertilizer vigorously promoted? Why are there these reasons?

Compound fertilizer and big chemical fertilizer were widely used in the agricultural field for more than ten years ago. However, with the emergence of soil problems, traditional compound fertilizer can no longer meet the needs of agricultural production. At present, more growers are more willing to choose water-soluble fertilizer, which has good effects in different crop planting fields.

Why?Water soluble fertilizerCan be vigorously promoted? The following will introduce the reasons for this.

Water soluble fertilizer-Tu chef rose

Water soluble fertilizer-Tu chef rose real shot

1Integration of water and fertilizer

Water soluble fertilizerThe use mode of fertilizer is different from that of large-scale fertilizer, which needs secondary dilution. When irrigating, the fertilizer should be dissolved in water first, and then it should be applied with water or drip irrigation according to the choice of equipment, so that the fertilizer and nutrients can be adequately supplemented, and the effective components can be dissolved and directly acted on the root system, whether in the form of sprinkler irrigation or drip irrigation. The way of integrating water and fertilizer in modern agriculture has also been vigorously promoted in all regions of the country.

It is not only an economic crop, but also a field food crop, and it is also very suitable for water-soluble fertilizer, such as the northern wheat and rice areas, where the plots are very large, and it is also more suitable for unmanned aerial defense, which is delicate and invisible. In addition, the current technology of water-soluble fertilizer is constantly improving, and agricultural technology is also constantly improving. The integration of water and fertilizer has been widely promoted and applied, and has been recognized by users in all regions of the country.

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2Balanced nutrition and environmental protection.

Water-soluble fertilizer is vigorously promoted not only because of the promotion of water-fertilizer integration, but also for other reasons, that is, water-soluble fertilizer has many advantages.

First, When in use, it can save time and labor cost, and effectively control fertilizer by using the integrated form of water and fertilizer, without worrying about fertilizer waste; Secondly, the proportion of fertilizer is effectively controlled by scientific proportioning, which is characterized by balanced and abundant nutrition and environmental protection. Thirdly, there are many series of water-soluble fertilizer products. Different crops can choose suitable water-soluble fertilizer products at different growth stages. In the future agriculture, water-soluble fertilizer is one of the most important fertilizers.

All materials in this article are original feedback from local chef manufacturers, and reprint is prohibited without authorization.


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