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──Feb 17 , 2022Water-soluble fertilizer manufacturers are unreliable, and the local chef's functional fertilizer teaches you these two tricks.

Nowadays, the sales model of fertilizer has changed a lot. However, no matter how the market changes, the key is to find reliable manufacturers. If you choose unreliable water-soluble fertilizer manufacturers, it will be very troublesome to follow up with various problems. How to judge?Water-soluble fertilizer manufacturerShit, unreliable?

Water soluble fertilizer-Tu chef cucumber flower

Water-soluble fertilizer manufacturer-Tu chef cucumber real shot

1Look at word of mouth

The reputation of water-soluble fertilizer manufacturers is very important, althoughWater-soluble fertilizer manufacturerVery many, there are many in a region, but some manufacturers have a good reputation and are recognized by many growers, some are poor, and the product effect is not satisfactory.

If you want to know the situation of the manufacturer, you can first learn about the reputation of this water-soluble fertilizer manufacturer in the circle. For example, you can check some information on the Internet in advance. The network promotion strength of a manufacturer also represents the importance and strength of the manufacturer to the brand.

You can also find acquaintances around you for reference, but don't be too serious. After all, it takes some time to build word of mouth.

Many new manufacturers may be lacking in promotion,However, some products have really good effects and are worth choosing. The local chef's functional fertilizer has created a new category of fertilizer. The real value of fertilizer is not how high the content, elements and technology are, but what effect the fertilizer can achieve after application. This view has been recognized by many farmers and growers, andAdvertising slogans such as "sufficient soil fertility, sufficient fertility, and soil chef for fertilization" are catchy and have a good reputation among growers' friends.

Tu chef poster

2See if the documents are complete.

Water-soluble fertilizer manufacturers should have complete certificates, and manufacturers of fertilizer types need to obtain production licenses and business licenses, etc. If the basic certificates are not complete, it will be very difficult to defend their rights in case of problems.

If you want to find a water-soluble fertilizer manufacturer through the network, I suggest you check it first. What certificates can be checked directly in the industrial and commercial departments? There are many softwares that can be checked, which is very simple and convenient. If we cooperate with manufacturers with incomplete three certificates, we can't guarantee the later effect and quality.

All materials in this article are original feedback from local chef manufacturers, and reprint is prohibited without authorization.


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