R&D and productionChina Fertilizer Research Base


──Oct 06 , 2022Root agent manufacturer, distributor Liu general trust soil chef

Rooting agentFor root growth is very good help, but also can prevent root rot, disease, improve the survival rate of crops. Now on the market rooting agent of all kinds, rooting agent manufacturers more and more, it is difficult to choose, we look at the dealer Liu why trust soil chef.

Rooting agent-Native Chef strawberry

Rooting agent-Native Chef strawberry shot

In the growth of crops, the root is the foundation, only the roots grow well to flourish, for example, strawberry these shallow root crops, more attention needs to be paid. Strawberry planting affected by soil, temperature and other factors may cause root problems. To solve crop root problems, it is recommended that we choose regular rooting agent manufacturers.

Mr. Liu, the dealer, often encounters farmers asking about root problems. In such cases, Mr. Liu carefully guides them until the problem is solved. This year, General Manager Liu distributed soil chef soil enzyme rooting agent, with his own technology, so that the root problem of farmers solved more thoroughly, the survival rate of seedlings increased, the root system is strong, capillary roots, for a long time, farmers are attracted to the name.

Farmers are all feedbackSay:"We can have such yield and quality, thanks to the soil chef recommended by Liu Zong soil enzyme rooting agent ".

Now, there are many rooting agent manufacturers on the market, and the quality is not the same. If you want to ensure the quality of the products you choose, you must have a correct understanding of rooting agent. chooseRooting agentIn order to make the roots of crops developed, good roots, soil nutrients can be more easily absorbed, to supplement the micro elements and nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium required by various crops.

In order to correctly understand rooting agents, but also learn to distinguish hormone rooting agents. Some rooting agents have good effect, the effect is fast, because the addition of hormones, a short period of time, but prone to premature aging, fruit taste and color will become poor.

Soil chef rooting agent

So rooting agent must not choose hormones, to take into account what the product is rooting principle, composition and technology is safe, soil chef soil enzyme rooting agent added polybioactive soil enzyme, imported raw materials, rooting active substances, free amino acids, peptides, chelating trace elements, non-hormone safer.

All materials in this article are native chef manufacturers real feedback original, unauthorized, forbidden to reprint.


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