R&D and productionChina Fertilizer Research Base


──Oct 05 , 2022Agricultural materials do so, dealers admire

Agricultural materialsIf you do it well, you will not only benefit the dealers themselves, but also serve the local farmers. Today we are going to tell the story of Lao Zhou, a farmer who has sold millions of units through retail sales alone.

Lao Zhou this year58One year old, according to old Zhou's words: "dryAgricultural materialsIt's been over 20 years. It's not gonna work anymore."Old Zhou did it in ShandongAgricultural supplies distribution, mainly do orchard fertilizer and drug guidance, because of good technology, rich experience, the surrounding farmers are very trust him.

Dealers all admire

It says that the old Zhou only rely on retail sales light easy millions, a lot of agricultural suppliesDealers listened to the question:"How did he do it?"

When local farmers see Zhou, they all call Zhou teacher. When other dealers can't sell on credit, Zhou is still firm, and farmers always give him cash.

Lao Zhou was a technical staff of the local agricultural research institute when he was young, and he began to give technical guidance by chance. Because there were many fruit trees planted in the local area, Lao Zhou devoted himself to researching the technical management of fruit trees, not only for the fruit trees themselves, but also for the use of medicinal fertilizer. From books, factory technicians, technical exchanges and practices, Lao Yang has accumulated rich experience in agricultural materials.

In this way, Lao Yang's fame in the local open, others said:"Many teachers can't solve the problem, he just a few words to solve, hit the nail on the head." Many local agricultural companies asked him to give technical guidance and said, "Lao Zhou is so good that he deserves the rank of professor."

Later, Zhou found that fertilizer is a very important part of fruit tree planting, so he began to make agricultural materialsDistribution, he did not open a shop, converted the yard into a warehouse, started, although there is no store, business is better than there are stores, many farmers are coming to pull fertilizer, Lao Yang said:"If you use my fat, I will manage the fruit trees for you regularly. If there is a problem, we will solve it in time and keep the fruitful crops."

Local Chef poster

Yang can indeed afford to say so, as long as the fruit he directs is better in terms of yield and quality. Lao Yang himself is constantly learning, updating his knowledge base and following The Times, which is the key to his success.

This year, Lao Yang fancyA native cook is fatLao Yang said:"Chef Local has developed a new category in the fertilizer industry- Efficacy fertilizer, more attention to the efficacy of farmers after use,It fits well with the needs of farmers, which is what attracts me. You know, good products can save a lot of trouble in management and reduce the overall cost. This year, the sales volume of water-soluble fertilizer is the highest in our country. Facts have proved that good products have better sales, which can better help farmers to increase production and income and do agricultural suppliesNot only by technology, but also by keen market insight."

All materials in this article are native chef manufacturers real feedback original, unauthorized, forbidden to reprint.


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