R&D and productionChina Fertilizer Research Base


──Nov 05 , 2022Leaf fertilizer selection soil chef, poly energy nutrition

Since foliar fertilizer has been verified by many users, in the usual crop management, will choose to use.

Also because of the large demand, so the market of leaf fertilizer manufacturers more, in the development of the industry, competition is of course a good thing, can make the quality of the product has been improved, the price has advantages, but there are also bad businesses blind, a lot of leaf fertilizer shoddy, lure simple farmers.

Foliar fertilizer-Native chef apple

Foliar fertilizer-Native chef apple real shot

There are a lot of farmers have understood the leaf fertilizer, also know to useFoliar fertilizerCan make crops grow better, farmers in the purchase of foliar fertilizer, should pay attention to the choice of manufacturers, do not be induced by some manufacturers at low prices, do not believe that the price is lower than the quality of the product. When visiting Shaanxi province, many local kiwifruit growers recommend soil chef high yield and quality enhancement agent leaf surface fertilizer, regular brand management, many growers are used.

Yu is a dealer in Guangxi and has been working in this industry for many years. He has a lot of experience in how to distinguish high-quality foliar fertilizer.Mr. Yu said:""Since I came into contact with the Local Chef brand, I have gained more recognition from farmers."

Mr. Yu told everyone:"In the selection of leaf fertilizer, not only should pay attention to the brand, but also should understand the nutrient content of the product, each brand formula and production technology are different, nutrient content is different, soil chef high yield enhancerFoliar fertilizerContaining imported raw materials, superactive soil enzymes and other medium and trace elements,Nutrient comprehensive and rich, chelating energy technology, easy to absorb, rain10No need to respray in minutes, this is the native chef's yield and qualityFoliar fertilizerA big advantage."

Chef Tu-Foliar fertilizer_A copy of the

Foliar fertilizer-Native chef quality enhancer

Consumers can also distinguish the quality of foliar fertilizer by comparing its water solubility, impurity and packaging.

[Believe in the power of brand] Local chef brand strong landing on CCTVCCTV-1.

All materials in this article are native chef manufacturers real feedback original, unauthorized, forbidden to reprint.


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