R&D and productionChina Fertilizer Research Base


──Dec 15 , 2022Leaf fertilizer which good? Farmers choose "it"

A qualified agricultural personnel, not only to have the strength, but also to understand the market, seize the opportunity, to know how to do pre-sales publicity and after-sales service, to be able to go to the field under the sun, and so on, only the service is done, in order to make the agricultural business bigger and stronger. Its middle face fertilizer is one of the products commonly used by farmers.Leaf fertilizer which goodIs a matter of concern to all, the choice of leaf fertilizer can bring a lot of income to dealers.

Farmers all choose it

In view of the current situation, Wang Zong of Meishan, Sichuan thought: "The volume of foliar fertilizer market is large, and the user needs to be strong." That leaf fat which good? Which leaf fertilizer can be welcomed by farmers?

General Manager Wang said:"The product quality line is the lifeline of the product, only put the product quality in the first placeandHave a long-term vision of manufacturers, in order to go further in the foliar fertilizer market competition."This means the choice of leaf fertilizer preferred regularManufacturers to ensure the reliability of quality, stability, good reputation, at least will not sell fake products to destroy their future.

In addition, Wang thinks that cost performance is also an important consideration of foliar fertilizer which good part, foliar fertilizer itself function and product technology determines the price of foliar fertilizer, how to choose cost-effective, good effect foliar fertilizer?

Wang general careful investigation, through the comparison of many leaf fertilizer on the market, the final selection of the standard soil chef yield and qualityFoliar fertilizerIsrael chelating energy technology is adopted. Chelating energy technology is safer and easy to absorb. It does not need to be sprayed again after ten minutes of rain, so it is convenient to use and meets the needs of farmers.

Recently, farmers in Shandong, Jiangsu, Yunnan and other placesFeedback:"After the application of the soil Chef yield enhancer, the plant is stronger, the yield is higher and the yield is higher."

posters-High yield and quality enhancer

Leaf fertilizer which good? I believe you also understand something, Mr. WangSay:"After nearly a year of cooperation with Chef du Jour, we found that people are very well recognized by Chef Du Jour Enhancement agent, and the sales record has reached a new high,It also reminds the farmers to use foliar fertilizer in combination with the actual growth of crops, rational use, choose the best products."

[Believe in the power of brand] Local chef brand strong landing on CCTVCCTV-1.

All materials in this article are native chef manufacturers real feedback original, unauthorized, forbidden to reprint.


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