R&D and productionChina Fertilizer Research Base

Planting base

──Nov 01 , 2022Water soluble fertilizer effect, choose the soil chef cost-effective

In recent years,Water-soluble fertilizerPopular in the market, it has many advantages, such as high absorption rate, quick effect, good effect, convenient use and so on. Farmers who have used water-soluble fertilizer have expressed high praise for it.

However, there are also many inferior water-soluble fertilizer products on the market at present. These products have poor effect, some of them also contain hormones, early effect is fast, and crops are prone to premature aging in the middle and late period. Therefore, it is very important to choose water soluble fertilizer manufacturers. Hubei farmer Chen Brother said: water-soluble fertilizer effect, still depends on the soil chef.

Water-soluble fertilizer-Native chef cucumber

Water-soluble fertilizer-Local chef cucumber real shot

Chen has grown more than 100 mu of cucumbers in Hubei Province. As an old farmer, Chen knows very well the impact of fertilizer on the yield and quality. Chen has always been very careful in the use of fertilizer. However, due to the unchanged thinking and the development of modern technology, Brother Chen has not been able to melt fertilizer with water. Several years have passed, the yield of cucumbers in the base has become less and less, and the quality has also declined, and the soil has problems such as soilborne diseases. In recent years, the cucumber seedlings have also appeared insufficient nutrition and weak growth.

In order to solve the problem of cucumber growth, Brother Chen visited local agricultural materials experts and actively participated in agricultural materials technology exchanges. Finally, in an exchange seminar, Brother Chen witnessed the effect of soil chef effect of water-soluble fertilizer, moved the idea of using soil chef effect fertilizer.

The products of Chef Tu have a complete range of categories, which are suitable for use in different periods of various crops. The effect of using them on cucumbers is also very good, which can solve problems such as weak growth of cucumbers. The prudent Brother Chen also asked several growers who had used Chef Tu and got a definite answer before he was assured to use themSoil cook effect water soluble fertilizer.

        The use of soil chef effect water soluble fertilizer for about half a month, the effect is very significant, the growth state of cucumber has been improved, melon vine has vitality, leaves dark green glossy, vigorous growth, overall good growth.

To the fruit, each cucumber straight melon smooth, not only good taste, taste also improved. Relying on the good effect of soil chef water-soluble fertilizer, Chen Brother finally ushered in a bumper harvest this year.

[Believe in the power of brand] Local chef brand strong landing on CCTVCCTV-1, and successfully selected into the "brand power·Independent brand optimization projectChef soil because of focus, so professional!

All materials in this article are native chef manufacturers real feedback original, unauthorized, forbidden to reprint.


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