R&D and productionChina Fertilizer Research Base


──Apr 19 , 2022Water-soluble fertilizer which good? Dealer General Han said so

Soil is fertile enough, fertilize with soil chef! Far away to hear the trumpet in the call, a fixed look turned out to be Han General is driving a truck delivery, the whole shed area heard, passing by the villagers are asking:"General Manager Han, this business is very hot ah, are too busy to touch the ground." Han always big hand shake: "elder brother, don't tease me, this just send a few cars ah, you that fat to run out, I send you again, take time to ask you to eat ah." Then he went to work again.

The foot

This is today to share the story of Han, agricultural resources are looking forWater-soluble fertilizerAnd all want to find a good water-soluble fertilizer, so what is a good water-soluble fertilizer?

First,The effect is good. General Manager Han said:"Over the years, I have dealt with numerous brands of water-soluble fertilizer, but not many of them have good effects. The main reason is that I did not have a clear understanding of water-soluble fertilizer before, and I thought they were basically the same. I bought some cheap water-soluble fertilizer, but the effect was not so good.

Now do a long time, also know what kind of water soluble fertilizer is realWater-soluble fertilizerWhat kind of water-soluble fertilizerIt works well. Soil chef effect fertilizer is in soil, fertilizer, crops under the trinity of research and development system, around the crops needed"Efficacy" to develop fertilizer, can improve both soil fertility and fertility. Fertilizer with rooting, strengthening stem, green leaves, flower preservation, fruit swelling, sweetening, coloring, resistance, yield increase and other effects of one or more. This is also one of the things I really appreciate about the efficacy of a native chef. You can achieve the efficacy that the farmers want, which is good effect."

Chef Tu-Granular fertilizer

Second, the price is acceptable. Price here is must mention, because water soluble fertilizerRelative compound fertilizer, the price is more expensive. But if it is too high, farmers naturally can not accept, you see I now mainly promote this soil chef effect fertilizer, cost-effective is very high, the technical teacher and I cooperate to do a set of programs, the cost is not high and can achieve the effect that farmers want, the best of both worlds, farmers can use high-end fertilizer, and can increase production and income, why not. That's one reason business is good."

Of course, water-soluble fertilizer which is better according to their own resources and advantages to do comparison, like our agricultural personnel, each has its own way of playing, only to choose the right water-soluble fertilizer products, and manufacturers combined with their own advantages, business can be more popular.

All materials in this article are native chef manufacturers real feedback original, unauthorized, forbidden to reprint.


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