R&D and productionChina Fertilizer Research Base


──May 24 , 2022Water soluble fertilizer, distributor Wang case

Recently, agricultural materials people have begun to get busy, all kinds of crops began to use a large number of fertilizer, agricultural materials dealers are also busy to field delivery, in Xinjiang do distribution Wang these days busy feet do not touch the ground, today finally free to visit you with fertilizer effect, at the same time to see if you have any problems to solve guidance.

Water-soluble fertilizer-Xinjiang service

Water-soluble fertilizer-fertilize

Water-soluble fertilizerDealer Wang case

General Manager Wang has been doing agricultural materials in Xinjiang for more than ten years, mainly doing shed area, especially watermelon area, before the distribution of large fertilizer, mainly push water-soluble fertilizer in recent years, compared with other agricultural materials dealers, the road of transformation of General Manager Wang is relatively smooth, General Manager Wang is a practical person, actively learning agricultural knowledge, visiting the countryside, combined with the promotion of various manufacturers, progress is very fast. I often help you with local technology, so everyone is more convinced.

Water soluble fertilizer, distributor Wang case

At the beginning of this year, Wang wanted to buy a new water-soluble fertilizerBrand, listen to a friend about the effect of soil chef fat:"Efficacy fertilizer is a fertilizer developed around the" efficacy "needed by crops under the trinity research and development system of soil, fertilizer and crops, which can improve soil fertility and fertility at the same time. A fertilizer that has one or more effects, such as rooting, strengthening stem, green leaves, preserving flower, rising fruit, sweetening, coloring, resisting stress and increasing yield."

Water soluble fertilizer, distributor Wang case

After understanding, Wang is very interested, contact the manufacturers ready to in-depth cooperation, after the arrival of the goods and the soil chef marketing to determine the promotion program, Wang will act immediately, let a few elder brother first use to see the effect, even sent a dozen, recently also busy, until today only have time to return to the effect.

Water-soluble fertilizer=watermelon

Went to Brother Liu's watermelon greenhouses, Brother Liu used2Chef subsoilparticleWater-soluble fertilizerWatermelon hanging in the shed, all are very uniform, neat growth, no deformed melon, Liu big brother is very satisfied with the effect of soil chef fertilizer, also thank Wang general selected a good water-soluble fertilizer products, this year is sure to harvest!

All materials in this article are native chef manufacturers real feedback original, unauthorized, forbidden to reprint.


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