R&D and productionChina Fertilizer Research Base


──Dec 22 , 2022Water soluble fertilizer manufacturers, distributors how to choose?

Water soluble fertilizer manufacturers are very much, dealers how to choose? This is the concern of all agricultural distributors. Nowadays, in the agricultural materials market, it is not the availability of goods, but through the effect, service, cost-effective, marketing to better seize the market, especially agricultural materials dealers, should follow the progress of agriculture to learn all kinds of skills.

Now on the marketWater soluble fertilizer manufacturersMore, many dealers do not know how to choose? Zhang from Hubei general experience is more rich, for the selection of water-soluble fertilizer manufacturers, expressed their views.

General Manager Zhang is engaged in agricultural materials industry20In a year,In the eyes of others, he is now doing business like a duck to water, but only he knows the hardships along the way.General Manager Zhang said:"In the water soluble fertilizer distribution encountered a lot of setbacks, when the popularity of water soluble fertilizer for a period of time, everyone when a fresh thing to use, themselves do not understand, do not have too much experience, listen to the small manufacturers sales personnel, choose a unreliable water soluble fertilizer, almost did not do in the agricultural industry."

Zhang general election of this water-soluble fertilizer, put down not long after the complaints of farmers, said that the use of fertilizer has premature aging and burning seedlings. Zhang was not careless, so he quickly checked and recalled all the fertilizers sold. Fortunately, the farmer who came to give feedback had used it earlier, while other farmers had not used it yet, otherwise the loss would have been great. After testing, it was found that this fertilizer added excessive hormones and was unqualified. When contacting the manufacturer, it was found that the manufacturer disappeared. Fortunately, the farmers only used a small part of the crop, and Zhang Zong also made the cost compensation.

After this incident, General Manager Zhang decided to learn more knowledge about water-soluble fertilizer, must be cautious again and again, go to the market more, to find a real let farmers trustWater soluble fertilizer manufacturers. Later, Manager Zhang chose to cooperate with Chef Tu, just because of the reputation and reputation, which can make Manager Zhang rest assured. Farmers also gave a lot of feedback, and then the business gradually improved.

Zhang always summed up the last failure case repeatedly, and always warn themselves that the choice of water-soluble fertilizer manufacturers must be careful. Zhang has faith in the local chef, not only because the product is good, but also according to the real needs of the crop research and developmentProduct, landing on CCTVCCTV-1.It's very reliable.

    After the fact proved, General Zhang Say: " It is true that water soluble fertilizer manufacturers choose Chef soil, chef soil excellent quality and responsible attitude, let me harvest the trust of more farmers, now more and more Shun. "

[Believe in the power of brand] Local chef brand strong landing on CCTVCCTV-1.

All materials in this article are native chef manufacturers real feedback original, unauthorized, forbidden to reprint.


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