R&D and productionChina Fertilizer Research Base


──Nov 02 , 2022What are the advantages of water-soluble fertilizers over chemical fertilizers? Dealer General Liu analysis

The progress of agricultural production has driven the development of modern agricultural materials technology. Now, fertilizer products tend to be diversified. All kinds of organic fertilizers, granulated fertilizers,Water-soluble fertilizerWait dazzling. Water-soluble fertilizer represents the new development of agricultural materials technology. It has quick and good effect, and is one of the fertilizers with the fastest utilization rate in recent years.

Water-soluble fertilizer-Local chef service

Water-soluble fertilizer-Local chef market service

So, what are the advantages of water-soluble fertilizers over fertilizers? Listen to Mr. Liu, the dealer.

General Manager Liu works as a farm capital in Hebeihave20Many years of experience, in the local have a good reputation, deeply trusted by farmers.Water-soluble fertilizerWhat's the advantage over fertilizer? Liu said, "Compared with fertilizers, water-soluble fertilizers are more water-soluble, have no residue, do not harm the soil environment, and have a quick effect. Fertilizer is slow to take effect, and overuse canLead to a series of soil problems, salinization, salinization and so on."

"What are the advantages of water-soluble fertilizers over fertilizers? In addition to soil advantages, water-soluble fertilizers have many advantages. Firstly, water-soluble fertilizer can be applied by foliar spraying, drip irrigation, flushing, etc., with various fertilizer methods; Secondly, water soluble fertilizer topdressing effect is good, high utilization rate; In addition to basic nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, there are other organic substances and trace elements. Fertilizers usually contain only nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, which is insufficient to supplement nutrients. In China, the soil quality is deteriorating now, the use of chemical fertilizers should be reduced. Mr. Liu continued.

        Although water-soluble fertilizer is good, the current market is chaotic, and there are some non-compliant products. These products have no effect, and may even have a negative impact on soil and crops. Liu said: "A few years ago, I ran more than a dozen water soluble fertilizer manufacturers, did not meet special satisfaction, in this year's choice of soil chef effect water soluble fertilizer, just know their home water soluble fertilizer effect is so good, fast, more than half a year on the agent signed . "

What are the advantages of water-soluble fertilizers over chemical fertilizers? In general, compared with chemical fertilizer, water-soluble fertilizer is more suitable for the current soil environment and can supplement enough nutrients for crops. I hope that the majority of planting friends can choose a good water-soluble fertilizer product.

Chef Soil made the cutCCTV-1Brand Power.Independent brand preferred project, local chef because of focus, so professional!

All materials in this article are native chef manufacturers real feedback original, unauthorized, forbidden to reprint.


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