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──Jan 03 , 2022The correct choice of rooting agent will be explained by the local chef.

"Everything grows by roots", roots are an important part of crop growth! Therefore, the healthy growth and development of root system is especially important for crop growth, yield and quality improvement! Then, how should we choose a good rooting agent product?


Rooting agent-Tu chef grapes

I. Classification of rooting agents

Rooting agents are generally divided into hormone rooting, nutrient rooting and biostimulant rooting. In different periods and different crops, we should use rooting agent products scientifically and correctly according to the growth of crops to prevent unnecessary losses in agricultural production!

Second, different effects of rooting agents

Hormone-like rooting agent: products belonging to growth regulators, collectively referred to as hormone-like rooting agent products, generally using potassium indole butyrate and sodium naphthylacetate as the main raw materials for rooting. After use, it can quickly take root in a short time. However, if it is used too much or too frequently, it will easily lead to problems such as phytotoxicity, premature senility of crops, short root life, yield decline or quality decline in the middle and later stages, which will seriously affect economic benefits!

Nutritive rooting agent: Common products include amino acid water-soluble fertilizer, humic acid water-soluble fertilizer, potassium fulvic acid and microbial agents, etc. Their common characteristics will contain a large amount of organic matter or microorganisms, which are helpful to improve the soil environment, enhance fertility and raise ground temperature. In agricultural production, we can't take root quickly. The emphasis is on root protection and root cultivation. It is recommended that the combination of crop growth period and chemical fertilizer has the best effect!

Biostimulant rooting agent: At present, in the agricultural field, there is a rooting agent.+Nutritive functional product, natural rooting stimulator, is different from hormone rooting agent, which not only can quickly root and improve crop safety, but also has obvious effect on the root system caused by waterlogging, phytotoxicity, fertilizer and other adverse conditions!


Rooting agent-Tu chef

Thereby greatly enhancing the robustness and life of the root system, and effectively preventing premature senility of crops, decreasing yield and improving quality.

The healthy growth and maintenance of root system is particularly important in agricultural production! Therefore, choosing a regular enterprise can protect the bumper harvest!

All materials in this article are original feedback from local chef manufacturers, and reprint is prohibited without authorization.


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