R&D and productionChina Fertilizer Research Base

Planting base

──Nov 29 , 2022What leaf fat spray autumn cabbage is good? The farmer recommended it

For farmers, planting autumn cabbage is not easy, not only need to supplement fertilizer, but also according to the growth of careful management. Studies have shown that autumn cabbage spray foliar hypertrophy has benefits, but there are various brands of foliar fertilizer on the market, make people difficult to choose. So, autumn cabbage spray whatFoliar fertilizerOk? Let's see what the farmer Ma says.

Foliar fertilizer correct selection

Mr. Ma, a vegetable farmer from Henan Province, works in vegetable planting base all year round, mainly planting autumn cabbages. With excellent planting techniques, Mr. Ma has become a famous vegetable planting expert in the local area. When asked what leaf fertilizer spraying autumn cabbage is good, Boss Ma fell into memories, he confessed: "In fact, at the beginning I only focus on soil fertilizer, not commonly used leaf fertilizer, found that due to the lack of trace elements, vegetables always have some physiological diseases, soil supplement effect is poor and too slow, at this time reflects the importance of leaf fertilizer.

To reverse the situation, Boss MaAsk the dealer what good foliar fertilizer products, the dealer said:"In fact, vegetables properly add some foliar fertilizer, the effect is better,Foliar fertilizer can be sprayed directly on vegetable leaves, quickly penetrate into the body of the crop, especially some lazy elements do not like to move, foliar spray effect is better, you take the soil chef seriesFoliar fertilizerProduct bar, which is used by many growers,On CCTVCCTV-1Channel broadcast, strength is good, good effect.

After seeing, Ma boss specially on the Internet to understand the soil chef, found that indeed as the dealer said, put down the heart.

Foliar fertilizer-Native chef quality enhancer

"Originally my heart is also very uneasy, but with the soil chef series leaf fertilizer, the longer the better the autumn cabbage, my hanging heart is completely put down, but also with their own experience to answer the autumn cabbage spray what leaf fertilizer is good this problem, the soil is fertile enough, fertilization with soil chef, recommend to you!"

What leaf fat spray autumn cabbage is good? Brother Ma said:"Since the use of native chefs, production has increased, quality has improved, and the purchase price has increased. It lives up to its reputation."

[Believe in the power of brand] Local chef brand strong landing on CCTVCCTV-1.

All materials in this article are native chef manufacturers real feedback original, unauthorized, forbidden to reprint.


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