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──Nov 10 , 2022Agricultural dealers learn this, business will not be bad

At present, the agricultural materials market is complex and changeable, especially the impact of chemical energy and epidemic in recent years, resulting in a lot of offline work can not be carried out in time, which has brought troubles to many agricultural materials dealers. Today, let's take a look at the new changesAgricultural supplies dealerWhat value-added services need to be done? To make the business better?

Agricultural supplies dealer-Native chef delivery

First, online service

The epidemic is more than one point, and the road is sealed and controlled, so that many agricultural materials dealers miss the opportunity to publicize the products and distribute the spots in advance. This delay will lead to the passing of agricultural time, and many agricultural materials dealersFeedback:"Without you knowing it, the farmer could be fattening up."

It is suggested that agricultural supplies dealers should set up a wechat group, which can play a big role during the epidemic period and draw all farmers into the group, especially loyal customers and farmers who like to adjust the atmosphere. Of course, the group should not only build a group, but also hold knowledge lectures in the group regularly to solve the problems encountered by farmers. Think about it. If you've got him in the right place, is he gonna buy his fat from anyone else? The specific operation method of wechat group is not explained here. Interested friends can call the soil chef hotline for consultation.

Two, agricultural knowledge learning

Many dealers will take a certificate of agricultural technician, it is suggested that the dealer who did not take the exam try to take, is conducive to sales, sales, speak out also have confidence.

Secondly, we should pay attention to the study of agricultural knowledge, now the agricultural market is not like before, we must learn more and more, we can learn from the agricultural technology experts, we can also discuss with the salesman of cooperative manufacturers, in a word, more technology does not press the body, your professional improvement, father's name will be more recognized.

Soil chef distributor Xing total, in andChef TuDuring this year of cooperation, I worked with local chefs and technicians to deeply study the schemes of increasing the income and applying fertilizer to local crops and the schemes of applying fertilizer5-6In the past few months, Xing has mastered the management of fertilizer distribution for many local crops. Farmers boast directly: "Since Xing and Chef soil cooperated, the technology improved really fast and can help us more."

Agricultural supplies dealer-Local chef service

Agricultural supplies dealer-Local chef service

Three, the change of thinking

A change of thinking, endless methods, for the current agricultural material market environment, agricultural material dealers must keep up with hot spots and trends, more understanding of national agricultural policies, such as the integration of water and fertilizer promotion, green organic agriculture development, find the right direction, there will be harvest.

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All materials in this article are native chef manufacturers real feedback original, unauthorized, forbidden to reprint.


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