R&D and productionChina Fertilizer Research Base


──May 13 , 2022Agricultural supplies dealers, how to operate in 2022?

Some say:"2021Year, is the most difficult year ". Well, a lot of people say2022The year 2005 was the worst.

Why is this saying? Through recent visits to the market and communication with dealers around the country, the overall analysis is as follows:First, the outbreak is multi-faceted and multi-point across the country. Second, the weather and climate this year"Fickle", causing damage to crops and reduced production in some areas. Third, international trends are volatile, causing a variety of energy and raw materials to rise, the cost of farming is rising. For usAgricultural supplies dealerIs a challenge, but also an opportunity!

Agricultural supplies dealer-challenge

First, agricultural resources management, keep the bottom line

The more difficult the moment, the more agricultural dealers can stand up to the moral bottom line as agricultural personnel. Because, in the international energy and raw materials rise and shortage at the same time, agricultural supplies dealers for the people to hold the last barrier, absolutely do not do"Shoddy and counterfeit products."

Because, in a moment of happiness, you seem to have earned money or caught"Common people's hearts", but have you ever thought that crops are the best "verifier". Not only do you lose customers and money, but your local "word of mouth and reputation" stinks.

Agricultural supplies dealer-The bottom line

Two, business management, transformation into a merchant

Although we have kept the bottom line of our business, the input cost of ordinary people is also increasing invisibly due to the increase in raw materials, and the ability to take risks in planting is also increasing. The business model will only make our business more and more difficult to do.

Only, we go into the field, and growers more communication, more guidance, not only to maintain the customer relationship, but also to find problems in time to solve problems. At the same time, while reducing costs as much as possible, we will use scientific management experience to increase production and income for the common people.

Three, Management has a unique "characteristic" mode of agricultural resources

We should understand the trend and direction of national agricultural development, dig deep into the pain points of local farmers and crops, and eliminate them in a timely manner"Outdated" products, the introduction of products with local core competitiveness and high-tech achievements, gradually establish and manage the strategic deployment with brand influence, so as to realize the modern agriculture vision of "science and technology strong agriculture and common prosperity".

Agricultural supplies dealer-Common prosperity

Xinjiang Shuanghe City of agricultural materials distributor Wang General, operating agricultural materials for more than 10 years. In the exchange, Mr. Wang mentioned:"2022The management pressure of agricultural supplies was particularly great in 2005.As fertilizer raw materials continue to rise, the profit margin is compressed"Oil lamp dry", cotton farmers planting costs continue to climb . "According to Wang," This year's cotton production per mu must reach450Kilo. Every kilo of cotton has to be sold8Yuan, cotton farmers' income can be guaranteed ".

But in the last three years, cotton appeared more withered wilting harm, physiologic, climatic fall of flowers and buds and soil"Barren" problem, the traditional management mode and conventional fertilizer, can not meet and guarantee the income of cotton farmers.As the guide of agriculture, we should assume this responsibility and mission, leading the reform and innovation of cotton farmers.

"Hard work pays off!" .2022years4Month predestined to know the effect of soil chef fat market personnel, through many exchanges and communication. In-depth understanding of the strength and background of the soil chef effect fertilizer company, the soil chef company created a new category of fertilizer industry - effect fertilizer, and the Chinese Academy of Management Science in Beijing jointly established the "effect fertilizer scientific research base", the scientific research base under the "effect fertilizer research center", "effect fertilizer joint laboratory" two research and development units.

Agricultural supplies dealer-shipment

Its products comply with"Five star, triangle, two wing" research and development system, through the "three selection, nine chelating, 12 processes",To the heart of crops, soil and climateReally set off the wave of reform of modern agriculture. Mr. Wang excitedly introduced to me some of his products:"The Twelve Elements of Native ChefMicrobial agent", to solve the problem that single bacteria effect is not obvious, the soil problem can not be solved by cutting the bottom, the complex bacteria process is simple, low activity, rich in twelve elements and high content of active organic matter,It has a good preventive effect against cotton withering.

"Soil Chef immune enhancement fluid fertilizer" on cotton physiologic and climatic caused by falling flowers and budsIt has better preventive effect and better disease-resistance and bactericidal effect. Finally, Mr. Wang confidently said:"From these two products, cotton farmers harvest can be well guaranteed."

Extraordinary times, extraordinary achievements of us! Although,2022Year is a difficult and challenging year, but as long as we agricultural dealers have a brave innovation and achievement of others heart, is bound to be able to highlight the encircle, to meet a better tomorrow.


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