R&D and productionChina Fertilizer Research Base


──Jul 03 , 2022Imported water soluble fertilizer, cotton high yield choose soil chef

Water soluble fertilizer to achieve water fertilizer, in line with the development trend of green agriculture, fertilizer utilization rate is higher. Many friends in the choice will find imported water-soluble fertilizer seems to be more popular, the effect is more prominent, what is the reason?

Imported water soluble fertilizerDeveloped early, its production process and research and development technology has been improved for several generations, which is the general domestic water-soluble fertilizer brands can not catch up. How to choose imported water-soluble fertilizer? Today I will introduce to you a fertilizer industry created a new category of soil chef effect fertilizer manufacturers.

Soil cooks water soluble fertilizer-Popular package

How is the effect of soil chef effect fertilizer? Actions speak louder than words, then take a look at the experience of the agricultural distributor Guo.

Mr. Guo comes from Shihezi, Xinjiang, where the temperature difference between day and night is large and the light duration is long, and there are many cotton growers. Due to the large area of local saline-alkali land in Xinjiang, and the unreasonable fertilization and irrigation of farmers for a long time, the soil air permeability was poor, the emergence rate of cotton was low, and the survival rate was poor. General Manager Guo was very distressed about this until he metImported water soluble fertilizer-Soil chef effect fertilizer factory", before things turned around.

That day, Guo general in the video software to see other areas of cotton seedling growth, seedling neat, strong, Guo is very excited, after some inquiries, to learn that the use of soil chef imported water-soluble fertilizer has such a good effect, so contact the manufacturer's investment manager Xiao Li, soil chef effect fertilizer after a detailed understanding, decided to cooperate.

It happened that the cotton was in the period of dripping water, so Mr. Guo chose the same plot to do the comparative experiment. After a period of time, Guo general came to the field, found that the soil chef imported water soluble fertilizer cotton seedling fast, seedling qi Miao strong, the overall growth is very good, and with other manufacturers of products of cotton seedling rate is poor, need to carry out a lot of seedling replacement, time-consuming and laborious.

Imported water soluble fertilizer-Native chef cotton

After the emergence of cotton, the local temperature in Xinjiang plummeted, Guo thought it would affect the growth of cotton, came to the field found that the soil chef imported water-soluble fertilizerCotton, after experiencing low temperature leaves still green, even have grown to2leaf1Heart, Guo saw this effect, thought finally find the right fertilizer, soil and fertility, fertilizer on the soil chef!

After reading Guo's personal experience, I believe you have the answer to the choice of imported water-soluble fertilizer in your heart, if you want to know about the fertilization program of cotton planting, welcome to call the soil chef official customer service hotline.

All materials in this article are native chef manufacturers real feedback original, unauthorized, forbidden to reprint.


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